This picks up from Part 5. You'll be lost without it. This is where we left off with the codebase.
Our users need some way to log in on devices other than the one they originally registered on, so we'll use email based passwordless authentication for that. It's basically the same as a password reset flow. We'll send the user a link that will log them in automatically. Then they can set up a WebAuthn Credential to use in the future (or not, if they choose).
As convenient as it would be to send a link like
, that doesn't seem that secure. In that case, we'll need a secret of some kind that we store. You could probably just stick this secret in Redis and be fine, I'd rather hash it for extra paranoia. We'll need use Argon2 since that seems to be the favorite at the moment. Install argon2-cffi
to the project.
We also need to be able to send email, and I struggled to find a library I liked. The standard seems to be Flask-Mail, but that appears to be unmaintained for many years. Flask-Mailman looks promising, but our needs are so simple, I've settled on just using smtplib
from the python standard library. I'm going to just use Mailtrap, which is specifically designed for use in development. I'd switch to something like Mailgun for production, so we can actually send real email.
We now have real credentials accessing external resources so these should definitely not just be in the docker-compose.yml
. I'll put then in a .env
file and include it in the docker environment.
MAIL_FROM="Flask WebAuthn <>"
version: '3'
context: app
- .env
# ... snip ...
Put the username and password from Mailtrap in the .env
Let's also use Flask's app configuration api to make these values available globally.
# ... snip ...
app.config["MAIL_USERNAME"] = os.getenv("MAIL_USERNAME")
app.config["MAIL_PASSWORD"] = os.getenv("MAIL_PASSWORD")
app.config["MAIL_SERVER"] = os.getenv("MAIL_SERVER")
app.config["MAIL_PORT"] = int(os.getenv("MAIL_PORT"))
app.config["MAIL_FROM"] = os.getenv("MAIL_FROM")
# ... snip ...
Now we'll create a send_email
convenience function in auth/
. We will need Flask's current_app
object to get the configuration values we set, as well as smtplib
, ssl
, and a couple classes from the email
module from the standard library.
import smtplib
import ssl
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from flask import make_response, request, current_app
# ... snip ...
def send_email(to, subject, body_text, body_html=None):
"""Utility function for sending email with smtplib"""
mail_from = current_app.config["MAIL_FROM"]
message = MIMEMultipart("alternative")
message["Subject"] = subject
message["From"] = mail_from
message["To"] = to
part1 = MIMEText(body_text, "plain")
if body_html:
part2 = MIMEText(body_html, "html")
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP(
current_app.config["MAIL_SERVER"], current_app.config["MAIL_PORT"]
) as server:
current_app.config["MAIL_USERNAME"], current_app.config["MAIL_PASSWORD"]
server.sendmail(mail_from, to, message.as_string())
This was actually quite annoying to get working. Email is kinda picky about line breaks and spaces, so we're much better off using python's email
package to build it rather than trying to just build the string as recommended on Mailtrap's page. This snippet is adapted from an article on Real Python. As always, it's an incredible resource.
We'll need to generate a secret and store the hash, so it's time for another redis db! For a urlsafe secret, python has the very helpful secrets.token_urlsafe()
. Isn't python great? We're also going to need PasswordHasher
from the argon2
library we installed. We'll use Flask's url_for
to generate the actual link.
import secrets
# ... snip ...
from argon2 import PasswordHasher
from flask import request, url_for
# ... snip ...
host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT, db=2, password=REDIS_PASSWORD
# ... snip ...
ph = PasswordHasher()
def generate_magic_link(user_uid):
"""Generate a special secret link to log in a user and save a hash of the secret."""
url_secret = secrets.token_urlsafe()
secret_hash = ph.hash(url_secret)
EMAIL_AUTH_SECRETS.set(user_uid, secret_hash)
EMAIL_AUTH_SECRETS.expire(user_uid, datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
return url_for("auth.magic_link", secret=url_secret, _external=True, _scheme="https")
Here we just generate a secret, hash and save it, then use Flask's url_for to generate the link. We're using _external=True
to generate a full URL instead of a relative one, and _scheme="https"
to use a secure connection.
First we need a route to request logging in by email. This will generate the link and send the email, then give the user a message to remind them to check their email and come back. Then we need to deal with the magic link, validate it, and log in the user.
def email_login():
"""Request login by emailed link."""
user_uid = session.get("login_user_uid")
user = User.query.filter_by(uid=user_uid).first()
# This is probably impossible, but seems like useful protection
if not user:
res = make_response(
"auth/_partials/username_form.html", error="No matching user found."
session.pop("login_user_uid", None)
return res
login_url = security.generate_magic_link(user.uid)
"Flask WebAuthn Login",
"Click or copy this link to log in. You must use the same browser that "
f"you were using when you requested to log in. {login_url}",
res = make_response(render_template("auth/_partials/email_login_message.html"))
return res
We're getting the user_uid
from the session, generating a URL with the security function we wrote, then sending an email with the email function we wrote. Then we send back a message to check their email and set a cookie with the user_uid
so we can identify them when they come back with the login link. You could just put this in the link itself, but this is more restrictive, so I like it. We need the email_login_message
template and a way to actually invoke this function.
<h1 class="font-bold text-2xl">Check Your Email!</h1>
<p class=" mt-4text-xl">You should have an email with a link you can click to login
automatically. Make sure that the link will open in this browser on this device, or
copy the link in. It will not work anywhere else. Once you're logged in, you can
enable biometric login to make future visits as fast and secure as possible.
We'll add a button to the select_login
screen to select email login. It will hx-get
the endpoint we just created, we'll set hx-target
to #page-content
to swap out the main content and leave the nav bar, and we'll set hx-swap
to innerHTML
so it just replaces inside the main
element (this is in base.html
<!-- snip -->
<div class="flex space-x-2">
hx-get="{{ url_for('auth.email_login') }}"
class="text-white uppercase font-bold bg-orange-600 cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 rounded"
Email Login
class="text-white uppercase font-bold bg-green-600 px-4 py-2 rounded"
Device Login
<!-- snip -->
Now we need to handle logging in a user when they click the link we sent. This means we'll also need a security function to validate the link against the hash we saved.
# ... snip ...
def verify_magic_link(user_uid, secret):
"""Verify the secret from a magic login link against the saved hash for that
secret_hash = EMAIL_AUTH_SECRETS.get(user_uid)
if ph.verify(secret_hash, secret):
EMAIL_AUTH_SECRETS.expire(user_uid, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
return True
return False
Now the view function to handle the request.
# ... snip ...
def magic_link():
"""Handle incoming magic link authentications."""
url_secret = request.args.get("secret")
user_uid = request.cookies.get("magic_link_user_uid")
user = User.query.filter_by(uid=user_uid).first()
if not user:
return redirect(url_for("auth.login"))
if security.verify_magic_link(user_uid, url_secret):
return redirect(url_for("auth.user_profile"))
return redirect(url_for("auth.login"))
We get the user_uid cookie, find the user, then try to validate the secret from the link. If it works, the user is logged in and sent to their profile, if not, they're sent back to the login page. We don't delete the cookie here so that if they copied the link wrong or used an old link, they can try again. The cookie and link will expire within a few minutes anyway. This should now all be functioning. If you, like me, used mailtrap, you'll need to go to their website where it will catch all outgoing email.
If the user has used email-based login, there's a good chance they don't have a WebAuthn credential registered for the device they are using. Let's offer to register a new credential on the profile page any time a user logs in by email.
We can track whether a user logged in with WebAuthn on the session object. We'll go update anywhere we called login_user
and set whether it was a WebAuthn login on session["used_webauthn"]
. We'll also change this value after a user registers a credential. We need to update four view functions.
# ... snip ...
@auth.route("/create-user", methods=["POST"])
def create_user():
# ... snip ...
session['used_webauthn'] = False
# ... snip ...
@auth.route("/add-credential", methods=["POST"])
def add_credential():
"""Receive a newly registered credentials to validate and save."""
registration_credential = RegistrationCredential.parse_raw(request.get_data())
security.verify_and_save_credential(current_user, registration_credential)
session['used_webauthn'] = True
# ... snip ...
@auth.route("/verify-login-credential", methods=["POST"])
def verify_login_credential():
# ... snip ...
security.verify_authentication_credential(user, authentication_credential)
session['used_webauthn'] = True
# ... snip ...
def magic_link():
# ... snip ...
if security.verify_magic_link(user_uid, url_secret):
session['used_webauthn'] = False
# ... snip ...
Now that we have that information stored, we can access it in the user_profile template and conditionally show a link to a credential setup page that we will create.
<!-- snip -->
<strong class="font-bold">Registered
Credentials:</strong> {{ current_user.credentials | length }}
{% if not session.get("used_webauthn") %}
<div class="flex flex-col" id="webauthn_registration_section">
<p class="italic">It doesn't look like you have passwordless login set up on
this device. If you plan on logging in from here in the future, you can set
one up now. Only do this if you are using your own personal device.</p>
<div class="mt-4">
hx-get="{{ url_for('auth.create_credential') }}"
class="text-white uppercase font-bold bg-blue-600 px-4 py-2 rounded cursor-pointer hover:bg-blue-700 shadow hover:shadow-lg"
>Start Setup</a>
{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}
We will use htmx to swap in the same register-credential
partial we used before. Obviously this route should be protected.
# ... snip ...
def create_credential():
"""Start creation of new credentials by existing users."""
pcco_json = security.prepare_credential_creation(current_user)
return make_response(
This will trigger a full page reload when it's complete (which we could fix in javascript). All the code from before is reusable, largely thanks to htmx, so this is all quite simple to implement.
As far as functionality, this is everything I want. Slick biometric authentication with a backup option for new devices and no passwords ever. A little more work on the developer side, but so worth it to not have to worry about password management. And it's so cool.
Here's where we are with the codebase
Honestly the only problem is that we really don't give much feedback to the user, and it's not that pretty. (I mean also I'm using fake email, but just change the smtp settings and that's fixed). I'll clean it up in the final part, and it's the least necessary yet.